Post has published by Hvalla Admin

Plot Approval



Like any game in the RPG genre, we have worked hard to develop an in-depth world with a multitude of stories to be explored. Quests may take you to far off places, and dungeons into the very depths of the world, but our overarching player-driven world is the heartbeat of Hvalla. Players are welcome to and are encouraged to communicate and collaborate with our Design Department to tell their stories. By joining Hvalla, you join with the knowledge that your characters will naturally be influenced by events occurring around them. We want you to create plots that shake up the world, however, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t play out exactly how you envisioned – because the actions and plots of others might impact yours too! 


Plot Types

Character Plots

Character plots involve a small number of players and are unlikely to have large-scale, world-altering effects. Character plots will never require approval from the Design Team. What you do with your character is your choice – we feel that the fewer hoops a player must jump through to tell their stories, the better.

Regional Plots

Regional plots involve many players in a specific area and are guaranteed to have lasting ramifications within that region. Regional plots are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Players developing regional plots are expected to work in collaboration with the official Design Team.

World Plots

World plots involve every player in Hvalla and are guaranteed to have large-scale, world-altering effects. World plots are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are most often developed by the official Design Team. Players interested in developing world plots are expected to work in collaboration with the official Design Team to ensure consistency in the world timeline and Hvalla itself.


Plot Approval

Plot approval is the process of having a sequence of events be approved by the development team. Sometimes, plot approval is necessary if what a player is planning is going to have a major impact on a race, city, region or the overall game storyline.

What Do I/Don’t I Need Plot Approval for?

Theoretically, the line between what you do and don’t need plot approval for can be quite grey. Smaller things like a plot about:

  • Your character stealing someone’s purse
  • Investigating some stolen gryllo
  • Investigating the neighbor who you believe to be a con-artist, etc.

Character plots are unlikely to require plot approval. These types of plots might involve only a few players and though not all of them are strictly legal, any punishment that you decide they should receive (if what they’re doing is illegal and you decide they should get caught) is documented in the racial details, so you can know what occurs and manage it yourself. The consequences are not as rippling as a regional or world plot. Larger things like a plot about:

  • Your character burning down Wargrun’s Drengar
  • Murdering another character (NPC or PC)
  • Engaging in hostilities on enemy territory/territory claimed by another race
  • Finding a corrupted creature and wanting to engage it in combat

Are what we would consider regional and world plots and will always require plot approval. These types of plots will generally involve multiple players and require the attention of racial leaders IC and OOC. If you’re unsure where your plot falls on this scale, we encourage you to open a #beta-support ticket on our Discord channel and ask!

How Do I Get Plot Approval?

Please ensure you fill out the form below in as much detail as possible. Please keep in mind that while we will always do our best to accomodate you, sometimes it is not possible for a number of different reasons.